cats,  life after 50,  pets

A to Z Challenge: “R”elaxation

Kitties at rest for web
© Photo by Diane Weidenbenner, 2015.

My husband looks longingly at our cats and our dog, when they sleep. He says, “Wouldn’t it be great to be that relaxed?!” It’s like they abandon all striving and let their kittie/puppy dream states take over. Once in awhile you’ll see them twitch or whimper – I think one of them is having a bad dream but he or she could just as easily be chasing the bird/squirrel of their choice.

I recently had a knee replacement and this meant that I had to sleep on my back, with my leg elevated on a pillow, above my heart. Talk about uncomfortable! It’s hard enough to get to sleep after such a surgery without having to sleep in an awkward position.

At one point, Ollie, the orange and white cat seen in the above photo, came into the bedroom, came up on the bed and snuggled under my arm. His fur was so soft and warm, and his purring was comforting. It wasn’t long before I realized that Ollie was my good luck charm in the sleep department. Go figure – that it would be a wonderful pet blessing after surgery that led to a peaceful night’s sleep! Instead of heavy narcotics, I think doctors should prescribe furry pets as antidotes after surgery or during illnesses. I can see the Walgreen’s pharmacists’ faces now!

I'm Diane, a marketing executive in the non-profit sector living in Terre Haute, Indiana. My husband and I moved from Denver, Colorado, 15-plus years ago and this blog highlights our joys and challenges in adjusting to our new home and town. I also share things I love: photography, wildlife and domestic pets, writing, knitting, making jewelry, food, travel, my faith in God and music. I'm also writing a mystery novel so stay tuned!


  • Tamara Narayan

    My cats have always shared my bed and I don’t mind. Watching them sleep on their backs is so much fun. My new kitten will leave her hind legs spread apart like a human baby; my husband jokes she had no bones.


      We won’t mind our pets sharing our bed either. We actually went from a queen-sized bed to a California king so we had room for the now 82-pound bundle of love, Hershey, our dog, as well as a few cats. It’s kind of embarrassing but also true! It’s true – they are so relaxed, it’s like they don’t have bones. What a hoot!


      Yes, I’m all healed and walking around. So glad I had it done. And, yes, pets can have such a healing quality. Thank you for visiting my blog!

  • Pempi

    Over here in the UK, they are using animals in old peoples’ homes to reduce anxiety and lead to a better night’s sleep just by the stroking of them so your post makes perfect sense to me. I love to see animals that feel so safe and secure they can sleep in such relaxed positions – our little kitty also sleeps with all four paws in the air!
    Stormy’s Sidekicks
    Special Teaching at Pempi’s Palace


      Research has shown that people live longer with pets. I’m glad you have a kitty and can enjoy all the amazing things that it can do. Mine used to play “fetch” with a soft little ball when they were little. Thank you for visiting my blog. I really appreciate it!

  • Josie Two Shoes

    I totally agree with you about the healing value of furkids! They always seem to sense when we need them for comfort and I truly think there is nothing more tranquilizing that a purring cat. Knee replacement is no fun, my husband has been through it and it is clearly in my future. I am glad your feline family helped you get through it! In my next life I want to be a very pampered house cat! 🙂
    from Josie’s Journal


      A pampered house cat would be awesome. I’ve always thought birds have a nice life (except the whole “eating worms” thing). If you have to have a knee replacement, find a place that does it out-patient. Soooo much better!

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