• #atozchallenge,  #CTST,  friends,  life after 50,  writing

    #AtoZChallenge and #CTST: Yard sailing

    #CTST: garage sale finds and also interacting with interesting people while shopping in neighborhoods!   Here are a few tips I’ve picked up during my yard sale exploits. Do you care to share any of yours? 1.  Choose to yard sale in an area that is more upscale that your own. However, there are exceptions. I found a Canon camera lens at a garage sale on the side of a highway. You never know. 2.  Selection is better earlier in the morning. However, you may get a lower price if you go mid-day or later, as people want to get rid of items. 3.  Go to multi-family garage sales first,…

  • #CTST,  life after 50,  Starbucks

    #CTST: Starbucks!

    In Celebrating the Small Things, I have to applaud Starbucks. One day this week I had a warm, chocolate hazelnut croissant and a Chai tea from Starbucks. It was heavenly! I don’t ordinarily promote corporate establishments but I had been having a hard week. Work was busy and I had a pinched nerve in my neck. I finally broke down and went to the chiropractor. On the way back to work, I stopped at Starbucks and noticed a new seasonal pastry, the tasty croissant, and I ordered one with my favorite, a Chai tea latte with almond milk. Not only was my neck feeling better after the doctor’s appointment, but…

  • #CTST,  nature,  photography,  winter

    #CTST: Snow and winter!

    In Celebrating the Small Things, I’m celebrating snow (and the beauty of winter) today! I’ve always loved snow. And, I’ve discovered that not everyone is enthusiastic about snow as I am. I try and temper my excitement but it can be difficult. Especially when snow is accompanied by 8-degree weather! Snow brings into focus attributes of nature that don’t always “shine” in spring and summer. For example, there is a wetlands area where I work (on 1,200 beautiful, varied acres) that can’t be seen through the thick trees. In the winter, this area takes on its own personality, with leaf-less trees framing the wooden walkway down to the ravine. I…

  • #CTST,  #IWSG,  writing

    IWSG and CTST: Favorite aspect of being a writer?

    Celebrate the Small Things – Being a creative writer! Entry for November’s Insecure Writer’s Support Group: If you enjoy writing, which I do, there is nothing in the world like the feeling of writing fiction. There is something magical that happens when I begin to think about a story idea, then imagine characters and what their lives might be like and then proceed with the plot. It’s my favorite aspect of being a writer. I’ve written short stories and then, years later, re-read those stories and it’s like I’m reading them again for the first time. Some days I can’t believe that I’ve written them. Let me be clear – it’s…

  • #CTST,  elephants,  nature,  photography,  travel,  wildlife,  writing

    8th wonder of the world – elephants! (CTST)

    Note: This is also my Celebrate the Small Things entry for the week, although that’s a bit of a misnomer, since elephants are large and amazing! Recently, two friends and I went to visit three beautiful, amazing African rescue elephants who were spending their summer vacation near French Lick, Indiana, at the Wilstem Ranch. We love animals so when the opportunity to “give them a mani-pedi” came to our attention, we had to go. You could choose either an educational hour with the elephants or you could choose to learn about them and give them a bath, including cleaning and moisturizing their feet. When will you ever have the opportunity…

  • #CTST,  birds,  Celebrate the Small Things,  nature,  photography,  writing

    CTST: Hummingbirds are such sweet visitors!

    Celebrate the Small Things: Our hummingbird friends are back! We have a pair of hummingbirds that come and dine with us each year but with the busy, hot summer, I was remiss in putting their feeder out. I was in the kitchen working on my computer last weekend and one of them “dropped by” to let me know! It’s hilarious and sweet! They hover with their helicopter wings and look me right in the eye (or so it seems). And, while they are polite, they are also persistent. So, I ran to the garage, got the feeder, mixed up the food and placed it, with suction cup, on my window.…

  • #CTST,  Insecure Writer's Support Group,  writing

    Celebrate the small things: Insecure Writer’s Support Group

    CTST: This week I am celebrating having joined a group of writers called the Insecure Writer’s Support Group. It may still be the honeymoon period but I’ve really enjoyed it thus far! I’ve become familiar with a few new bloggers. What’s different and most appreciated about this group is that many are where I want to be – in the published author category. I have had business articles published but nothing in the fiction arena. On the first Wednesday of everything month, members write about their struggles and successes. Some have several titles published and some, like me, are working towards that goal. In any case, I am grateful for…

  • #CTST,  faith,  life after 50,  photography,  rain,  writing

    Short-sighted in the rain

    Celebrate the Small Things: That God sees what’s up ahead, even when we can’t. And, that we can rest peacefully in that knowledge! It rains often in Indiana, even if the temperature is 95 degrees, which blows my mind. I grew up in Denver and when it rained, it resulted in cool afternoons or evenings with the humidity dissipating into the atmosphere. Not so in the muggy Midwest. This morning was a downpour, as if someone was refilling a pitcher and dumping it on the roads. It reminded me of a time when I worked for a publishing company, selling advertising space to businesses. My boss and I were making…

  • #CTST,  #RevofKindness,  faith,  life after 50,  Mr. Happy Man

    Kindness Challenge (wk4) and CTST: Being kind

    This video inspiration was sent to me over the weekend so I had to share (and backdate this post, because I’m running behind). Be sure to watch this short film to the end. Some of the people who are interviewed, who have been positively effected by 88-year-old Bermudian Johnny Barnes, are inspirational also. Johnny devotes six hours per day to greeting passers-by at a traffic circle. One person interviewed said that if Johnny isn’t at his spot in the morning, people worry and call the radio station, asking if he is okay. Another lady (my favorite) said that she was in such a bad mood one morning, that she vowed not…