• Christian,  Dovekeepers,  Easter,  Roma Downey

    Blogging A to Z: D-ovekeepers

    Photo credit: CBS 2015 As an Easter treat, I wanted to watch CBS’ new two-night mini-series, the Dovekeepers, in one sitting this weekend. It was viewable “on demand” so I could watch it in its entirety. And, my husband was napping (too much romance for his taste)! Executive Product Roma Downey and her husband, Mark Burnett, bought the rights to New York Times best-selling author Alice Hoffman’s book, after traveling to Israel and visiting Masada. The female lead is played by Cote de Pablo, from NCIS fame, which caught my attention in the previews. Dovekeepers tells the story of the Roman siege on 1,000 Jews who were hiding out on the…

  • Christian,  Christmas,  family,  Matt Brouwer,  traditions. music,  winter

    Winter preparations for Christmas

    I listen to WGBL on my way to work and the day after Thanksgiving, they begin playing Christmas music. Recently I heard a song by Matt Brouwer and I had to call in and ask for the name because it struck a chord with me – it was “Better Days.” Here’s a sample of the lyrics: “And you ask me what I want this year And I try to make this kind and clear Just a chance that maybe We’ll find better days ‘Cause I don’t need boxes wrapped in string And designer love and empty things Just a chance that maybe We’ll find better days Refrain: So take these…

  • Christian,  dogs,  essay,  pet adoption

    Down for the count

    Our dog, Hershey, is in his “formative” years – he’s almost two. Our little fledgling has learned much. He is potty trained, likes car rides and walks in the park, warmly greets other dogs (and to their dismay cats) with the international canine custom of bottom sniffing. He has “sit,” “stay,” “shake,” and “down” memorized and if you have a treat or he’s not distracted by absolutely anything else, he’d be happy to show you. He only chases the kitties 62.8 percent of the time and he’s been caught licking Tike, although Tike would deny it if asked. He almost sleeps through the night without taking a potty break and…

  • cats,  Christian,  faith,  friendship,  life after 50,  pets,  writing

    Help me reach my goal …

    I’d like to write at least one blog a week in 2011. As you can see, I’m starting this goal a little late – it’s March already. To spur me on, I’m asking for friends to visit my blog and click “follow me” on the top right-side menu. You can sign in using your Google, Twitter or Yahoo account. You’ll be notified when (and if) I write a new blog post. So, in essence, you’re keeping me honest and motivated to complete my goal. In return for your faithful following, I will try and give you a chuckle or laugh at an interesting anecdote or happening in our meager lives…

  • Chai,  Christian,  Christmas

    Happy New Year!

    I’ve had 12 glorious days off of work – woo hoo! Tomorrow is my first day back after Christmas vacation and I’m apprehensive. I’ve gotten fairly comfortable not going into work, although I enjoy my job at my non-profit marketing position for a Christian organization. It’s not that I don’t like to work. I’ve worked since I’ve was 15. It’s more that I have so many things to do in my “off time” such as knitting, making jewelry, spending time with my husband, playing with and walking the dog, cooking and baking, drinking Chai tea at the local coffee house while trying to write the great American mystery novel. There…