• #atozchallenge,  Cataract Falls,  creativity,  nature,  photography,  travel

    #AtoZChallenge: Creation, creativity and Cataract Falls

    Lower Falls during spring. Photo © Diane Weidenbenner When I spend time among nature’s beauty – thick greenery, wooded forest, trickling streams and rushing waterfalls, I’m reminded how incredible God’s creative designs are. Cataract Falls State Recreation Area, in Owens County, Ind., is one of my favorite places to enjoy the Architect’s best laid plans. I’ve visited the Falls, which are the largest in Indiana, with my mom, my friend Sandy, alone – and in most of the seasons. The trip has always been a peaceful, inspiring experience. The creativity of nature reminds me of the writing process. There are times when I struggle to put two words together and…

  • creativity,  jewelry,  relaxation

    A to Z Challenge: “J”ewelry

    For more than 10 years, I’ve been making jewelry. It started out as a stress reliever from a corporate job in Denver. It has become a relaxing respite that I pick up time and again when I need a creative outlet, or I find some interesting beads. Early on, I made everyone on my Christmas list a necklace or pair of earrings. My hairstylist in Denver let me sell them in her shop which resulted in extra spending money that enabled me to purchase more interesting beads. At one time I even had a wholesale license so I could purchase beads at a discount, which allowed me to buy higher-end,…

  • creativity,  relaxation,  women over 50

    A to Z Challenge: “C”oloring books for adults

    I first learned about adult coloring books at the gift shop, Linden Leaf Gifts, where I work. I like to doodle but I don’t have any particular artistic talent in painting or drawing. I liked the idea but to be honest, I thought it would be a waste of time. After all, I’d only be doing it for me, not to sell or even benefit anyone else. The reviews I read about them recommended them for relaxation, getting your mind off of worries and people even use them for/during prayer, to help focus your mind. I need something to do in the evenings while my husband, Joe, and I watch…

  • Coffee,  creativity,  writing

    Blogging from A to Z: Coffee and creativity, best when freshly brewed

    Ever notice the smell of fresh coffee beans? They smell so good, you can almost taste the deep, rich flavor without even brewing a pot. I’m fond of exotic flavors of coffee like Chocolate Raspberry, Toasted Hazelnut or Cinnamon Bun. Many times the smell of the beans is more gratifying than the actual cup of coffee, unless I add Stevia and loads of cream. This Blogging from A to Z Challenge is just that: a challenge for me to write something substantive each day in April (sans a few Sundays). When I first signed up, I had robust intentions of writing the first six blog posts and scheduling them to…