• Insecure Writer's Support Group,  writing

    #IWSG: What about journaling?

    My Insecure Writer’s Support Group monthly post for November is about journaling. I’m a fits and starts-type of journaler. I aspire to be a daily journaler for several reasons. I think it keeps my creative part of my brain exercised so when I need to write for either business or pleasure, it comes easier. The ideas and concepts flow much easier. I also think it’s a good practice that can fuel my other writing projects. Recently I bought a fountain pen and enjoy writing with it. Writing is a lot like using the fountain pen – if I continue using it, the ink flows freely and beautifully. If I stop…

  • Insecure Writer's Support Group,  inspiration,  life after 50,  writing

    #IWSG: End-of-year musings

    I can’t believe that it’s the first week of December and the end of the year (although those two things usually go together – ha!) This year has flown by, and so have some of my resolutions that I made at the beginning of 2017. I have not, as I planned, made time to write in my daily schedule. I feel bad about this which creates guilt which creates frustration, which does NOT motivate me. It makes me feel sorry for myself. Does this ever happen to you? So, I have a 12-day vacation coming up around Christmas and my new end-of-year goal is to write a bit every day…

  • Il Paretaio,  Italy,  travel,  writing

    #AtoZChallenge: Il Paretaio B&B

    Photo of Il Paretaio from TripAdvisor website. Many moons ago, my friend and I planned a trip to Italy. We mapped out Bed and Breakfast inns in Rome, Venice, Florence and Tuscany, in hope that we’d have a more authentic, local experience. We chose Tuscany because Karen Brown recommended Il Paretaio as a relaxing choice that also offered one of the top riding stables in Italy. We thought it would be neat to go horseback riding, as well as visit beautiful countryside. Preparation for our trip included us taking English riding lessons at a stable near Elizabeth, Colo. We learned how to saddle up the horses, ride them (posting with…

  • #atozchallenge,  faith,  Journalism,  writing

    #AtoZChallenge: Education is not filling a bucket, but lighting a fire. – William Butler Yeats

    I’ve always wanted to be a writer. When I was younger I wrote poetry and received positive feedback. I worked on the yearbook committee in junior high and enjoyed my high school AP English class with Mr. Carter. I would have been on the school newspaper but Mr. Ridgway was the newspaper teacher and he scared me. Mr. Ridgway taught sophomore advanced English. He was known to scare his new students during his initial class of the year to gain their respect. He would find a student who did not establish continuous eye contact with him, embarrass that student by yelling at the person “if you’re not going to pay…

  • #amwriting,  Insecure Writer's Support Group,  writing

    No writing is a waste

    It’s Wednesday! Besides hump day, it’s the day that I begin a monthly blog hop with the Insecure Writer’s Support Group. Just one blog a month, on the first Wednesday of the month. Surely I can do this! Today’s question: What happened to your first pieces of writing? I recently found a three-ring binder with my writing from a college creative writing class. I was a freshman and many entries weren’t very good. In fact, I remember that I didn’t get to spend much time on the various projects the professor assigned because I was working 25-30 hours per week, work-study, to help pay for my tuition. One of the…

  • #RevofKindness,  Celebrate the Small Things,  faith,  life after 50,  marriage,  writing

    Kindness Challenge (wk2) & CTST: Find kindness

    I’m a little late because the dreaded flu bug got a hold of me late last week. The kindness I noticed around me was encouraging, although I didn’t feel well. My husband and I even remarked that living in a smaller town, people are nicer to each other, whether you talk with them at the local grocery store, restaurant or gardening center. There’s a sense of community even if you don’t personally know everyone. It also seems more important to frequent local, family-run businesses versus large company chains, because you are usually supporting generations of families. It’s sometimes the smallest acts of kindness that stick with me. A co-worker bringing…

  • hedgehog,  pets,  writing

    A to Z Challenge: “Z”iggy, the hedgehog

    On April 16, I attended an Earth Day celebration where I work, sponsored by White Violet Center for Eco-Justice. It’s my all-time favorite event and there is something for everyone. I met a new friend at this year’s event, while I was helping to staff the baked goods area. His name is Ziggy. He is a pet hedgehog. He is ADORABLE! I’ve seen a sign, advertising pet hedgehogs at a local pet shop in town. I couldn’t imagine having one, until now. Ziggy’s “parents” were a lovely couple who brought him to Earth Day. He enjoyed being held and also, literally, hung out of a backpack as the two walked…

  • cross-stitch,  Psalm

    A to Z Challenge: “S”hepherd, the Good one!

    David’s Psalm 23 has always been a favorite of mine. There is something about the Lord as our Shepherd that I find comforting. It’s an image that is relatable and reminds me that God is active in my life as someone who gives guidance and refreshes my soul. My friend Sandy knew this and cross-stitched a beautiful pattern of the Good Shepherd, had it framed and gave it to me as a Christmas present. It is amazingly beautiful! It has a prominent place in our dining room, where Joe and I see it each day when we enter or leave the house through the garage. My friend’s artistic rendering reminded…

  • cats,  life after 50,  pets

    A to Z Challenge: “R”elaxation

    My husband looks longingly at our cats and our dog, when they sleep. He says, “Wouldn’t it be great to be that relaxed?!” It’s like they abandon all striving and let their kittie/puppy dream states take over. Once in awhile you’ll see them twitch or whimper – I think one of them is having a bad dream but he or she could just as easily be chasing the bird/squirrel of their choice. I recently had a knee replacement and this meant that I had to sleep on my back, with my leg elevated on a pillow, above my heart. Talk about uncomfortable! It’s hard enough to get to sleep after…

  • china patterns,  roses

    A to Z Challenge: “O”ld Country Roses china pattern

    I’ve always loved roses – the real kind that bloom from spring into fall and can be cut and put in a vase for continued, indoor enjoyment. My husband and I have a small rose garden at our house and those plants are fed, watered and babied long into the winter. One of my favorite china patterns is Old Country Roses by Royal Albert. You can almost smell the sweet clusters of English roses in the pattern. The colors are so vibrant and beautiful! Many patterns come and go but this china pattern remains one of the most popular patterns of all time. I used to travel a lot with…