hedgehog,  pets,  writing

A to Z Challenge: “Z”iggy, the hedgehog

ZiggyOn April 16, I attended an Earth Day celebration where I work, sponsored by White Violet Center for Eco-Justice. It’s my all-time favorite event and there is something for everyone.

I met a new friend at this year’s event, while I was helping to staff the baked goods area. His name is Ziggy. He is a pet hedgehog. He is ADORABLE!

I’ve seen a sign, advertising pet hedgehogs at a local pet shop in town. I couldn’t imagine having one, until now.

Ziggy’s “parents” were a lovely couple who brought him to Earth Day. He enjoyed being held and also, literally, hung out of a backpack as the two walked around. He didn’t try to escape (I asked…) He was six months old and near full size. And, he eats cat food. They said he also likes to play with balls. They got him from a breeder … who knew there were breeders of hedgehogs! How cool is that!

I was allowed to pet him and the fur on his back felt like soft quills, perhaps similar to what a porcupine might feel like. (Hedgehogs can’t shoot their quills in defense like porcupines, although if a predator gets a hold of one, it will be very uncomfortable.)

Fun facts about hedgehogs:

  1. 1.  Most North American hedgehogs are African pygmy hedgehogs.
  2. 2. They roll their bodies into little balls and their quills point outward, making it important to help them relax so they will unroll.
  3. 3.  They are insect eaters, but will also eat veggies, fruit and cooked meat. They are not rodents, like porcupines are.
  4. 4. They are night animals and sleep during the day.
  5. 5.  They are fairly quiet animals although they like a running wheel. They make sounds when researching a new environment, like grunts, snorting and snuffling.
  6. 6.  They are easy to care for, requiring fresh food, water and a weekly cage cleaning. They don’t require routine vaccinations.
  7. 7.  They don’t have dander like dogs and cats so they are good for people with allergies. They also do not like to chew or destroy surroundings.
  8. 8.  They react to their owners and need attention and care, from a relationship perspective.
  9. Do you know someone who has a pet hedgehog? Would you ever consider owning one?

I'm Diane, a marketing executive in the non-profit sector living in Terre Haute, Indiana. My husband and I moved from Denver, Colorado, 15-plus years ago and this blog highlights our joys and challenges in adjusting to our new home and town. I also share things I love: photography, wildlife and domestic pets, writing, knitting, making jewelry, food, travel, my faith in God and music. I'm also writing a mystery novel so stay tuned!


  • Liz Brownlee

    i adore hedgehogs! But prefer to see them in the wild – leaving grass long in your garden/yard will provide cover for wild creatures like them. I think finding more animals to use as pets is counter-productive to wild species – it leads to unscrupulous people capturing wild animals to breed from, further destroying wild populations, and unscrupulous people do not keep their animals well. Frogs are still taken form the wild to keep as pets, as are birds, snakes – one of the snakes i wrote about on my blog, a beautiful viper, because it was such a lovely colour was descended upon by collectors when its location was revealed who gathered all the pregnant females and devastated the population of an already rare snake. There are many types of hedgehog, some rarer than others, and who’s going to bet at some point they branch out into more unusual/rare species to offer people.

    • dmweiden@gmail.com

      I do understand your point. The worst thing we can do is try to domestic wild animals for our own pleasure. And, there are always those who abuse animals for monetary gain. I think there is a special place in H_ll for them. Thank you for your comment and for visiting my blog. Have a great weekend!

  • Josie Two Shoes

    What an adorable little guy! These sound like the perfect pets for allergic kids or adults, interactive and easy care, and so very, very cute! I bet they get lots of attention whenever they take him out! 🙂

    • dmweiden@gmail.com

      Thanks – I’ll continue to follow you as well. Nice to make a new blog friend! Hope you’re having a good weekend!

  • Megs

    So cute!! I’ve been mesmerized by YouTube videos that show hedgehogs hanging out on their backs in sinks… So silly, but oddly soothing to watch because they’re so adorable!

    Fun post!

    Glad we met through the meet and greet!

    • dmweiden@gmail.com

      They really are unique animals. Thanks for visiting my blog. I too am glad we met. Have a good week!

    • dmweiden@gmail.com

      I’m new at this linking thing. I think I need to wait until Friday and try again, if that’s okay. I think I’ve got it now … just need to wait until Friday!

  • Lissa Johnston (@Lissa_Johnston)

    So adorable! We moved to Minnesota when my son was in about second grade. His teacher brought a hedgehog to class one day when I happened to be there volunteering. She had the class sit in a circle on the floor with all legs extended, feet touching the feet of the kids to your left and right, so that they formed a little round corral. Then she let him loose within the circle. He was so stinkin’ cute. There are many people of Scandinavian heritage in MN and I think hedgehogs are sort of a thing with them.

    • dmweiden@gmail.com

      Thanks for sharing this story, Lissa! Sounds like a cool experience. And, thanks for visiting my blog. Have a great day!

  • Arlee Bird

    Never heard of anyone having a pet hedgehog, but that Ziggy is a pretty adorable little fellow.

    Congratulations on making it to Z! Job well done.

    Arlee Bird
    A to Z Challenge Co-host
    Tossing It Out

    • dmweiden@gmail.com

      Congratulations yourself, for completing the A to Z Challenge! It was a lot of fun this year. Love the polar bear photo in “zee” last post. Happy May!

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