• faith,  knee replacement

    Blogging A to Z: April showers

    Málaga airport by Bert Kaufmann, Creative Commons license. Flickr. “Caution, moving walkway is nearing its end.” April is a time to look forward. Sunshine stretches into longer days. Crocus and daffodils sprout and remind us that winter, as the moving walkway announcement at the airport warns, “is nearing its end.” I’m thinking about what flowers I’d like to plant, what festivals I’m looking forward to, and what photography possibilities await me. The birds are singing and the intermittent rain we receive is painting the grass green. Things are looking up! And, then I find out that in two and a half weeks, I am having knee replacement surgery. Whaaaat? I…

  • flowers,  spring

    “A”pril means new blooms on old wood

    Lilacs bloom in early spring on “old wood.” © 2011 by Diane Weidenbenner. It’s spring, or so the calendar and Almanac say. Another change-of-season indicator is the fact that my husband, Joe, has gotten out the chain saw. He’s oiled it, sharpened the blade and tested it out on a few unsuspecting bushes. I fear for our plants’ lives this time of year. I felt it necessary to mention to him that the lilac bushes seem to have buds on them and that now would not be a good time to trim them. I remember hearing that they bloom on “old wood.” Specifically, “Flowering on old wood means that a…

  • Avon,  cats,  faith,  Mother's Day,  pets

    Happy Mother’s Day!

    My husband, Joe’s, mother and father came up to visit us today, on Mother’s Day. They just entered their 80s but you wouldn’t know it – Bernie still mows the yards at their rental properties and they both are avid golfers. Dorothy attends church regularly and helps distribute the Eucharist to nursing homes. Dorothy is pictured above with Oliver, our 9-year-old Manx kitty. © Photo by Diane Weidenbenner   Joe and I don’t have children but Dorothy has “adopted” our kitties and dog, Hershey, as her grandpets. She’s Grandma Dots. Dorothy was a district sales manager for Avon for 31 years and retired some time ago. She was a model…

  • hormones,  humor

    “X” chromosome

    Is it a coincidence that the “X” chromosome looks like a Cheetos cheese puff? I think not! It’s official. I’ve entered perimenopause. And I must say, I’m disappointed to find out that it’s very much like puberty. I’ve always known that hormones were involved. But, do they have to wreak havoc on your life and all of those around you — again? I guess the only thing lacking is peer pressure, although having a zit on your chin at the age of 49 doesn’t make you the most attractive person to be around. Thank goodness for the Hallmark Channel. It’s much more acceptable to go through a box of tissue…

  • health,  Quinoa,  women

    Blogging from A to Z: Quinoa

    Quinoa – what exactly is it? First, it’s pronounced KEEN-wa. Okay, it was news to me so I figured you’d like to know too! Quinoa is actually made from the seeds of a goosewort (Chenopodium Quinoa), used in Chili and Peru for making porridge or cakes. The term “goosewort” didn’t do a lot to foster confidence in me, either. Keep reading. I’ve been hearing a lot about Quinoa lately – it’s been in almost every recipe or health e-newsletter that I’ve received and it’s been in several magazine articles. I even read an article when I was at my doctor’s office. Here’s the quick down-low on Quinoa: It’s an amino-acid…

  • cookies,  Girl Scouts,  tradition

    Girl Scouts are masterful marketers

    I’ve gained three pounds since this year’s Girl Scout Cookie sales began. It’s probably not fair to blame my debauchery on sweet little girls whose only goal is to sell mouth-watering cookies to help fund troop activities, earn badges and defray costs. Forget dirty bombs and germ warfare. Our overseas enemies could learn a trick or two from the Little Brownie® Bakers. There is something so seductive about a Samoa cookie wrapped in a warm caramel blanket, hugged by chocolate and toasted coconut. My husband and I are convinced that there must be an addictive ingredient in the Thin Mints which intensifies if you freeze them before devouring. I first…

  • cats,  God,  humor,  pets

    All creatures, great and small

    I’m a big fan of God’s creatures. The only things that make me uncomfortable are large, jumping spiders or roach gangs (you know they never travel alone). That said, when I woke up in the middle of the night to let my dog outside, and happened to wander into the living room to find our three cats strategically hunkered down around the swivel chair, I became apprehensive. Tails were swishing in wide strokes (except for Ollie, the Manx cat sans tail) indicating the hunt was on. With only my outdated eyeglasses and lack of courage to guide me, I returned to bed. One of three things would happen: 1) Whatever…

  • cats,  life after 50,  pets

    Lessons I have learned from Raja, the Kroger kitten

    Enjoy life to the fullest. Race around joyfully at unexpected times and play with imaginary (or real) airborne objects. People will wonder what you’ve been up to. Eat, play, nap and repeat. Include others whenever possible (except when visiting the litterbox). Sunny spots on the floor are warm as are the places recently vacated by others. Pay attention to the small things in life. This includes spots on the wall, people’s toes, hair, eyeglasses and strings hanging down from just about anything. Pens, pencils, drinking straws, mascara tubes, jewelry, etc., make wonderful hockey pucks and increase one’s dexterity. Cleanliness is next to Godliness. After each meal, it’s best to wash…

  • cats,  pet rescue,  pets

    I got my cat at Kroger’s grocery store

    When we can’t get to our locally owned grocery store, my husband and I shop at Kroger’s in north Terre Haute. Kroger’s offers you a discount on gasoline, based on your monthly in-store grocery purchases. We’ve been known to save 30 or 40 cents per gallon, easy. This summer a Sister of Providence that I work with told me she saw a black and white kitten at Kroger’s gas pumps the previous night. She talked to it as she filled her tank but it became frightened and ran under a wooden pallet piled high with wood for sale. She told us this story at a meeting because she knows that…

  • cats,  Christian,  faith,  friendship,  life after 50,  pets,  writing

    Help me reach my goal …

    I’d like to write at least one blog a week in 2011. As you can see, I’m starting this goal a little late – it’s March already. To spur me on, I’m asking for friends to visit my blog and click “follow me” on the top right-side menu. You can sign in using your Google, Twitter or Yahoo account. You’ll be notified when (and if) I write a new blog post. So, in essence, you’re keeping me honest and motivated to complete my goal. In return for your faithful following, I will try and give you a chuckle or laugh at an interesting anecdote or happening in our meager lives…