rural life,  summer

“W”here did the summer go?

Can you believe it’s July?!

Where did the summer go? I had knee replacement surgery in April, recuperated in May,  fell twice and began recuperation again in June. I’ve noticed the seasons change and have been outside some to enjoy it. We’ve had a lot of rain, too, so it’s made the corn tall, the rivers full and the greenery lush.

Before we know it, it will be August, then September, then fall, my favorite time of year. I know, for a lot of people in the midwest, they prefer summer to other seasons so I’m trying not to look too far ahead. I thought I’d list my 10 favorite summer blessings, in no particular order:

Woodchuck for web
This is “Woody,” our woodchuck. Haven’t seen him this
year so I hope the foxes haven’t eaten him. He’s been
around since we moved here in 2005! Photo by Diane.

1.  Birds – we have so many different kinds that visit our feeder, which my husband, Joe, is gracious enough to keep filled. And, if I’d get off my bottom to set up the hummingbird feeder, they’d visit regularly also. They almost knocked on my window and pointed to the feeder. Helloooooo!

2.  Beautiful plants – roses, lilies, butterfly bushes, apple trees, Rose of Sharon, etc. Everything is either blooming, or is getting ready to bloom. It’s like a little garden art gallery in our yard. And, we haven’t even replaced the plants that didn’t make it through the winter.

3.  Warm weather. Okay, I hate the humidity, especially when I’m getting ready for work in the morning and my make-up slides off my face as quickly as I apply it. However, I also enjoy the warm blanket that envelopes me when I leave work, where the air conditioning is freezing cold. Don’t tell my husband because he thinks I hate all humidity!

4.  Garage sales – I haven’t been able to visit any in our area but the signs even cheer me up.

5.  Ice cream. There is something about an ice cream sundae or hot fudge, marshmallow malt that brightens my day. I have to watch my sugar but, oh, that ice cream is awesome!

6.  Exercising in the pool. My husband and I are able to swim (please interpret that loosely for me) in the Indiana State University pool which is fun and awesome and much appreciated by my knee and other body parts. Joe really swims. I “exercise”.

French hens for web
My friend Sandy and I go on summer drives around the
country. Here are some French geese (I think) that we saw
on one of our jaunts. Cool, right? Photo by Diane.

7.  Wildlife. We have all kinds of visitors in the summer – foxes, squirrels, birds, a woodchuck, raccoons, opossums, deer, coyote, turtles. You name it, we probably have seen it in our yard. AWESOME!

8.  Photography opportunities. They abound. I need to spend more time outdoors!

9.  Fresh produce. Berries, zucchini, potatoes, tomatoes, lettuce, kale (yes, I said kale), and other delicacies that are available at the Farmer’s Market. Yum!

10.  Longer days. Having the sun shine until 9 p.m. gives me energy, although it’s been a bit scarcer this season because of my knee surgery recuperation. My kitties and puppy enjoy the longer days also because they can hunt birds, squirrels and foxes later than ever before. Not a fan of the barking, however.

What are your favorite parts of summer?


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