• Celebrate the Small Things,  farmers,  life after 50,  writing

    CTST: Tasty produce and the farmers who grow it

    Celebrate the Small Things: The hard work of farmers to produce healthy, tasty fruits and vegetables. This time of year, the farmers start to see the fruits of their labor and we have especially tasty choices at local farmers’ markets and in grocery stores who feature locally grown produce. I can’t wait until those juicy red, yellow and orange tomatoes ripen and the tender, yellow sweetcorn matures! Until I took part in a Consumer Support Agriculture (CSA) several times, I didn’t know there could be such a difference in taste, between organic, locally grown vegetables and those found year-long in big-chain stores. There is a huge difference and I’m spoiled.…

  • health,  Quinoa,  women

    Blogging from A to Z: Quinoa

    Quinoa – what exactly is it? First, it’s pronounced KEEN-wa. Okay, it was news to me so I figured you’d like to know too! Quinoa is actually made from the seeds of a goosewort (Chenopodium Quinoa), used in Chili and Peru for making porridge or cakes. The term “goosewort” didn’t do a lot to foster confidence in me, either. Keep reading. I’ve been hearing a lot about Quinoa lately – it’s been in almost every recipe or health e-newsletter that I’ve received and it’s been in several magazine articles. I even read an article when I was at my doctor’s office. Here’s the quick down-low on Quinoa: It’s an amino-acid…