Five Minute Friday: A bittersweet BLESSING
Usually when I think of blessings, I think of positive things that I find incredibly heartwarming or awesome, that have happened in my life. Today, I’m counting a blessing that is bittersweet. Our tabby striped, 12-year-old Maine Coon cat, Tikey, had to be euthanized last night at the vet, amidst hugs and an ocean of tears. What my husband, Joe, and I thought was an aggressive ear polyp that was next to his eardrum and had begun bothering him (with dizziness and nausea which had caused him to stop eating), was compounded by stomach/colon lymphoma. A good quality of life was no longer possible for him and I believe he…
#AtoZChallenge: Education is not filling a bucket, but lighting a fire. – William Butler Yeats
I’ve always wanted to be a writer. When I was younger I wrote poetry and received positive feedback. I worked on the yearbook committee in junior high and enjoyed my high school AP English class with Mr. Carter. I would have been on the school newspaper but Mr. Ridgway was the newspaper teacher and he scared me. Mr. Ridgway taught sophomore advanced English. He was known to scare his new students during his initial class of the year to gain their respect. He would find a student who did not establish continuous eye contact with him, embarrass that student by yelling at the person “if you’re not going to pay…
A to Z Challenge: “P”aths in life
“Life is a journey, not a destination.” Ralph Waldo Emerson I’m feeling sentimental so you get a schmaltzy “P” blog. Emerson’s quote is one of my favorites. I believe this with my whole heart yet it’s so easy for me to forget. There have been a few things in the news that have reminded me of this lately. And, I remember a friend of mine who liked his job but had his retirement day figured out to the exact calendar date. When we’d talk, he’d say to me, “I only have 690 days left until retirement.” I feel that way too, sometimes. I’ve been working since I was 15 years…