#IWSG: What’s the one thing about your writing career you regret the most?
This month’s question for the Insecure Writer’s Support Group makes me a little sad but it also addresses a topic that I’ve been thinking a lot about. I just turned 59 (isn’t that the new 39?) I regret not having a cozy mystery published by this time in my life. I’ve written articles for trade magazines. I’ve written non-fiction articles for my current position for a nonprofit and there are several for which I am proud. I also regret not carving out more dedicated writing time daily and have thought about it every day for the last 20 years. If I actually spent the time writing, instead of flogging myself…
Good to take a new perspective
As we get ready to celebrate Easter, take a few minutes to watch this beautiful outdoor walk through the Stations of the Cross on the motherhouse grounds of the Sisters of Providence. It’s a unique perspective because of our “shelter in place” state order yet still so encouraging to us at this time. It’s also a unique perspective because it talks about Mary’s view, as the mother of Jesus, on his crucifixion, death and resurrection. Sister Mary Montgomery leads us on the walk and you can hear the birds and almost feel the cool breeze on your face. Happy Easter Week!
I’ve always enjoyed the environment and all the gifts that it has to offer. Right now, as I work at my kitchen table, I spy this hardworking pileated woodpecker hopping up and down this poor tree, looking for lunch. Were I to show you the entire tree, it would be a sad photo, as groundhogs, woodpeckers and other animals have ravaged it. It has many holes and missing bark. It’s also lost many of its limbs from storms. It’s a very high tree but my husband and I know that sometime soon, it will fall to earth. Even so, its roots must be deep because it’s holding its own this…
Did you know that the Lord God delights in those who fear him, who put their hope in His unfailing love? Psalm 147:11 says so! If I’m asked what gives me joy, I’d have to say that creative writing delights me! When I write, something amazing happens. I receive inexplicable joy. Don’t think for a minute that it’s because I am a great writer. I’m not. It’s just joyful for me to create something, from an inspirational well inside of me, and it’s delightful and liberating. No one person’s writing is like another’s. It as individual as our DNA. According to Holley Gerth, and her book “Coffee for Your Heart,”…
Big question?
I saw this little dish at a novelty store in town and, although I couldn’t spend the novelty price for it, I liked the saying so I snapped a photo. I ran across this quote today and I thought it was odd. I’d love to “say a hearty yes to (my) adventure.” It is a big question these days, isn’t it? It feels like we start every conversation with “When the quarantine is lifted …” or “When things go back to normal …” or “When this is over …” However, I want to be living my life now too. I used to say that I’d write more if I had…
“N”otre-Dame catches fire
Notre-Dame's spiritual message and presence lives on in each of us.
Hope for us
I’m a bit behind on the A to Z Challenge and I could easily breeze through the alphabet with a photo and long cutline. Photo by Diane Weidenbenner. I want to be authentic in this challenge or why do it? Right? So, I wish to talk about hope. It’s the Easter season so if there is a time to believe in “hope,” this is it. I recently found out something hurtful and I’m having trouble getting over it. As tiny in the universe as I am, Christ has reaffirmed with me that I matter. When I was in college, I got in a debate with a friend of mine who…
The Easter Promise
Easter means hope for healing the heart
#AtoZChallenge: Music as prayer
Photo by Diane Weidenbenner I’ve become more aware of the transformative experiences in my life. Those things that edge me a little closer to the person I want to become. Close friendships contribute to my life. Spending time with family, although not as often as I’d like, strengthens my foundation. Reading the Word, going to church and hearing an inspiring message are encouraging. Swimming with my husband (at least that’s what I call it) allows me to reflect, pray, focus on my breathing and relax, especially when followed by the whirlpool. Music also has the ability to touch my heart and soul. Many times it can lead me to prayer…
#AtoZChallenge: Education is not filling a bucket, but lighting a fire. – William Butler Yeats
I’ve always wanted to be a writer. When I was younger I wrote poetry and received positive feedback. I worked on the yearbook committee in junior high and enjoyed my high school AP English class with Mr. Carter. I would have been on the school newspaper but Mr. Ridgway was the newspaper teacher and he scared me. Mr. Ridgway taught sophomore advanced English. He was known to scare his new students during his initial class of the year to gain their respect. He would find a student who did not establish continuous eye contact with him, embarrass that student by yelling at the person “if you’re not going to pay…