• Insecure Writer's Support Group,  life after 50,  writing

    IWSG: Chicken or the egg?

    What comes first, the chicken or the egg? The question I’ve been asking myself lately in the same vein is, should I go to a writer’s conference this year, to help motivate me to finish my first book, or, should I commit to finishing the book and then reward myself with a writer’s conference? Having the discipline needed to write consistently is something I’m struggling with, so I feel like I shouldn’t invest the money to attend a conference until I’m willing to put in the work. However, going to a writer’s conference (like Bouchercon, Killer Nashville or Malice Domestic), may give me the encouragement needed to move my story…

  • #IWSG,  life after 50,  writing

    IWSG: How do I find time to write in my busy day?

    As I write my post for September’s Insecure Writer’s Support Group, I have to admit I don’t have this one figured out. I’m having a lot of trouble finding the time to write. I’m not a morning person, so the idea of waking up an hour early and sitting down at the computer scares me. I wonder if my husband, dog and kitties would find me several hours later asleep, face plastered to the keyboard! I work eight-plus hours per day, Monday through Friday. I also periodically work some evenings and weekends. When I get home in the evening, there are only a few hours left after the pets and humans…