• characters,  Insecure Writer's Support Group,  writing

    IWSG: Do I use personal information with my characters?

    In answer to the Insecure Writer’s Support Group question for October: Have you ever slipped any of your personal information into your characters, either by accident or on pupose? My answer is yes and no. For the fiction, mystery novel that I’m writing, my voice at times comes through loud and clear in my heroine. I haven’t given her physical characteristics similar to mine because I think somehow she won’t be as interesting. I gave her two cats because I am an animal lover and I can’t imagine writing about someone who doesn’t like dogs or cats or … The way she sees the world is similar to me because…

  • #amwriting,  #IWSG,  faith,  nature,  writing

    #IWSG: How to find blogging topics?

    The first Wednesday of the month is the official Insecure Writer’s Support Group day! When I first started my blog, it was as much for my own sanity as it was for others. I hope that doesn’t sound too selfish! I’ve always written for my day job/career but most of my writing has not been “creative”. I do remember when I was a copywriter for Joslin’s Department Store in Denver, Colorado (think Macy’s but on a smaller scale). I wrote a few punny paragraphs about athletic shoes or dreamy text about an evening dress. The pay was horrible. I then got involved in B2B publishing after that (layout, collecting ads,…

  • #atozchallenge,  Cataract Falls,  creativity,  nature,  photography,  travel

    #AtoZChallenge: Creation, creativity and Cataract Falls

    Lower Falls during spring. Photo © Diane Weidenbenner When I spend time among nature’s beauty – thick greenery, wooded forest, trickling streams and rushing waterfalls, I’m reminded how incredible God’s creative designs are. Cataract Falls State Recreation Area, in Owens County, Ind., is one of my favorite places to enjoy the Architect’s best laid plans. I’ve visited the Falls, which are the largest in Indiana, with my mom, my friend Sandy, alone – and in most of the seasons. The trip has always been a peaceful, inspiring experience. The creativity of nature reminds me of the writing process. There are times when I struggle to put two words together and…

  • Insecure Writer's Support Group,  life after 50,  writing

    IWSG: Chicken or the egg?

    What comes first, the chicken or the egg? The question I’ve been asking myself lately in the same vein is, should I go to a writer’s conference this year, to help motivate me to finish my first book, or, should I commit to finishing the book and then reward myself with a writer’s conference? Having the discipline needed to write consistently is something I’m struggling with, so I feel like I shouldn’t invest the money to attend a conference until I’m willing to put in the work. However, going to a writer’s conference (like Bouchercon, Killer Nashville or Malice Domestic), may give me the encouragement needed to move my story…

  • #IWSG,  life after 50,  writing

    IWSG: How do I find time to write in my busy day?

    As I write my post for September’s Insecure Writer’s Support Group, I have to admit I don’t have this one figured out. I’m having a lot of trouble finding the time to write. I’m not a morning person, so the idea of waking up an hour early and sitting down at the computer scares me. I wonder if my husband, dog and kitties would find me several hours later asleep, face plastered to the keyboard! I work eight-plus hours per day, Monday through Friday. I also periodically work some evenings and weekends. When I get home in the evening, there are only a few hours left after the pets and humans…

  • #amwriting,  Insecure Writer's Support Group,  writing

    No writing is a waste

    It’s Wednesday! Besides hump day, it’s the day that I begin a monthly blog hop with the Insecure Writer’s Support Group. Just one blog a month, on the first Wednesday of the month. Surely I can do this! Today’s question: What happened to your first pieces of writing? I recently found a three-ring binder with my writing from a college creative writing class. I was a freshman and many entries weren’t very good. In fact, I remember that I didn’t get to spend much time on the various projects the professor assigned because I was working 25-30 hours per week, work-study, to help pay for my tuition. One of the…

  • creativity,  jewelry,  relaxation

    A to Z Challenge: “J”ewelry

    For more than 10 years, I’ve been making jewelry. It started out as a stress reliever from a corporate job in Denver. It has become a relaxing respite that I pick up time and again when I need a creative outlet, or I find some interesting beads. Early on, I made everyone on my Christmas list a necklace or pair of earrings. My hairstylist in Denver let me sell them in her shop which resulted in extra spending money that enabled me to purchase more interesting beads. At one time I even had a wholesale license so I could purchase beads at a discount, which allowed me to buy higher-end,…

  • mystery,  novel,  writing

    Blogging from A to Z: Novel idea

    I have written about 100 pages of a cozy mystery novel and I’m stuck. You’ve heard of writer’s block? Well, I have “self-critique block.” After I’d written the first part of my book, I began reading more about the art of novel writing. I also attended a few writers’ conferences and began following several authors I enjoy, Nancy Pickard, Diane Mott Davidson and Janet Evanovich to name a few. (When I say “follow,” I mean reading their most recent books, not out-and-out physical stalking). Everyone has an opinion, or advice, on how the best novels are written. Some authors talk about outlining and plotting. Not that the story can’t change…