Kindness Challenge (wk3) and CTST: Kind energy
In Celebrating the Small Things – I got through the week with the flu and work and tried to get enough rest to heal quickly. Still shooting to have my cataract surgery on Wednesday, if I’m not coughing. Please pray for me! Kindness Challenge update: I’m realizing that although the goal of week 3 is to incorporate kindness into my thoughts and actions, that this is probably going to be a life-long journey. I certainly didn’t master it this week. My husband and I both had the flu so I tried to be kind but failed as often as I succeeded, because my energy level was nil. I tried to…
Kindness Challenge (wk2) & CTST: Find kindness
I’m a little late because the dreaded flu bug got a hold of me late last week. The kindness I noticed around me was encouraging, although I didn’t feel well. My husband and I even remarked that living in a smaller town, people are nicer to each other, whether you talk with them at the local grocery store, restaurant or gardening center. There’s a sense of community even if you don’t personally know everyone. It also seems more important to frequent local, family-run businesses versus large company chains, because you are usually supporting generations of families. It’s sometimes the smallest acts of kindness that stick with me. A co-worker bringing…
Week 2: Observe kindness around you
I’m participating in a 2016 Kindness Challenge. Each Monday, we’ll have a different prompt to enact in our lives and, by Friday, the blog will be written, hopefully inspired by the topic. The person who is coordinating this challenge is Niki Lopez, on her blog The Richness of a Simple Life. Getting ready for week 2, which is to “observe kindness around you.” #RevofKindness
2016 Kindness Challenge
Week 1: Start your day with kindness Practice kindness to myself? What an odd concept! When I think of being kind, it’s usually in relation to other people. Whoa! I’m not saying that I am kind to everyone. I strive to be kind to others, for sure, but I’m not always successful. And, I’m usually kicking myself for not doing something, for not noticing the person’s need soon enough. I don’t plan kindness for me, specifically. Sometimes I will treat myself to pizza or ice cream, but beyond that, everything I do seems to be by necessity. I will go to bed early if I’m exhausted and it’s the end…
Seven weeks of kindness
I’m participating in a 2016 Kindness Challenge. Each Monday, we’ll have a different prompt to enact in our lives and, by Friday, the blog will be written, hopefully inspired by the topic. The person who is coordinating this challenge is Niki Lopez, on her blog The Richness of a Simple Life. I’m looking forward to it and hope that it is an encouraging experience, not only for me but perhaps for those around me. There can never be too much kindness in the world, that’s for sure. Drop back by to view the full list in the series. #RevofKindness Week 1: Start your day with kindness Week 2: Observe kindness around…
Accidental gardener
You’ve heard of the “Accidental Tourist”? Well, I’m more of an accidental gardener. The plants that I pay more for, that I put a lot of thought and care into, are the ones most likely to NOT survive. At least it seems that way. My husband and I have been trying to get a rose garden going and some plants do well while others wither and die, never making it to season two. Then there are the plants that I buy at the end of the season, from roadside nurseries or the “leftover” pile at Menards. These include discounted plants that even the stores don’t think are going to last…
A to Z Challenge: “R”elaxation
My husband looks longingly at our cats and our dog, when they sleep. He says, “Wouldn’t it be great to be that relaxed?!” It’s like they abandon all striving and let their kittie/puppy dream states take over. Once in awhile you’ll see them twitch or whimper – I think one of them is having a bad dream but he or she could just as easily be chasing the bird/squirrel of their choice. I recently had a knee replacement and this meant that I had to sleep on my back, with my leg elevated on a pillow, above my heart. Talk about uncomfortable! It’s hard enough to get to sleep after…
A to Z Challenge: “P”aths in life
“Life is a journey, not a destination.” Ralph Waldo Emerson I’m feeling sentimental so you get a schmaltzy “P” blog. Emerson’s quote is one of my favorites. I believe this with my whole heart yet it’s so easy for me to forget. There have been a few things in the news that have reminded me of this lately. And, I remember a friend of mine who liked his job but had his retirement day figured out to the exact calendar date. When we’d talk, he’d say to me, “I only have 690 days left until retirement.” I feel that way too, sometimes. I’ve been working since I was 15 years…
Blogging A to Z: C-ats and Dogs
Update to knee replacement surgery – I cannot sleep with any pets in our bed the night before surgery, through six weeks after surgery, according to the “class.” Of course I will follow the instructions prior to surgery because I want a successful outcome. And, if at all possible, I’ll try to adhere to the rule afterwards. Ollie is the “vocal” kitty in our household. He is 11 years old this May so as a senior citizen, he’s allowed! As it stands now, Hershey, our 70-lb. dog, sleeps in the living room because he has eaten four or more comforters. Apparently he wakes up and gets bored while we sleep.…
Telephone, tell a friend, text a message…
I am going to be 52 in a few weeks. I’m not young but I’m also not ready for assisted living, if that helps paint a picture. When I was growing up, the best way to communicate with friends was by telephone if I wasn’t at school or over at a friend’s house. My junior high school was 45 minutes across town by bus and it was important for us to communicate about homework, our classes and, of course, boys we liked. Friends’ advice was golden. We’d also arrange weekend get-togethers. And, remember, there were no computers or smart phones so the rotary dial telephone was “it.” With out-of-town friends,…