Blogging A to Z: G-enes or “Who’s your daddy…?”
Genes are a miraculous thing. I know for example that I received my green eyes and red hair from my dad’s side of the family. And, I’ve got my love of learning and my bad temper from my mom’s genetic pool. There are probably a lot more gene combinations in my make-up that I don’t even realize. Hershey, our 5-year-old puppy. Take our adopted dog, Hershey, for example. He’s a beautiful black and brown color with a touch of gray on his chest, tummy and chin (which you’d see if his tongue wasn’t in the way). He’s 70 pounds of pure muscle with a German Shepherd tail and what I…
Down for the count
Our dog, Hershey, is in his “formative” years – he’s almost two. Our little fledgling has learned much. He is potty trained, likes car rides and walks in the park, warmly greets other dogs (and to their dismay cats) with the international canine custom of bottom sniffing. He has “sit,” “stay,” “shake,” and “down” memorized and if you have a treat or he’s not distracted by absolutely anything else, he’d be happy to show you. He only chases the kitties 62.8 percent of the time and he’s been caught licking Tike, although Tike would deny it if asked. He almost sleeps through the night without taking a potty break and…