• #IWSG,  communication,  writing

    Favorite writing resources

    What is my favorite writing craft book? This is the question for this month’s Insecure Writer’s Support Group blog. I actually have a few. I have several tried-and-true inspiration resources and then a few new ones that I’m checking out. First, the ones that I rely on: Writing Down the Bones by Natalie Goldberg, Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott, Stephen King On Writing and The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron. There are some just for specific genres like writing a mystery novel (which I am attempting to do): Writing and Selling your Mystery Novel: How to Knock ’em Dead with Style, by Hallie Ephron and Writing Mysteries edited by…

  • communication,  friendship,  tweet

    From pony express to cell phones – tweet!

    Trends come and go and, if you wait long enough, they circle back around. It’s been true for bell-bottom pants, hairstyles and wool pea coats and it’s now true for the U.S. mail! I had to chuckle at a recent reTweet I received, highlighting “Letters in the Mail” service by The Rumpus. An introductory paragraph explains: “Almost every week you’ll receive a letter, in the mail. … Think of it as the letters you used to get from your creative friends, before this whole internet/email thing.” To clarify, one letter is written and signed and then copied and sent to all who subscribe. And, some of the letter writers will…